The Temptation of Ruby

The Temptation of Ruby

S1 E3: Thanks to four months of strict diet and exercise, Ruby has lost 60 pounds! But she's growing sick and frustrated with her pre-packaged meals and she's feeling tempted to cheat on her diet, especially when she goes out to restaurants with her friends who gorge on pizza and other fattening foods right in front of her. After a small setback, Ruby meets with her doctor to get some insight on her cravings and she discovers that they are a mental thing she must learn to overcome. Dr. Corse also informs Ruby that she's already improved her health dramatically and significantly lowered her risk for diabetes. Inspired by the news, Ruby meets with her nutritionist to learn how to prepare healthy, tasty meals and whips up a delicious home-cooked dinner for Jeff and Georgia. Will this finally give her pals the motivation to get serious about their own diets? Watch and see!