The Man on the Train
In this "elegantly polished film" (Richard Schickel, Time magazine), a mysterious stranger is the lone passenger disembarking from a train in a sleepy French village. His name is Milan (French rock icon Johnny Hallyday), a criminal intent on knocking over the local bank. Upon his arrival, he is befriended by Manesquier (acclaimed French actor Jean Rochefort), a retired poetry teacher. Through their unexpected friendship, both men come to realize they have been given the opportunity to look back on their lives--complete with dashed hopes and unfulfilled dreams. At the same time, both are given the momentary chance to explore the road not taken. Directed by celebrated filmmaker Patrice Leconte (Monsieur Hire, Girl On The Bridge), the dazzling Man On The Train captivated audiences at the 2002 Venice Film Festival, where it won the coveted audience awards for both Best Picture and Best Actor (Rochefort).
Jean Rochefort, Johnny Hallyday, Jean-François Stévenin
Patrice Leconte