Andrew Robinson
Robinson works regularly in TV perhaps making his strongest impression with a sympathetic portrait of "Liberace" (ABC, 1988) in the estate approved biopic. His other small screen movie credits include "The Atlanta Child Murders" (CBS, 1985) and "The Rock Hudson Story" (ABC, 1990). Playing against type, Robinson portrayed JFK in a time travel episode of the revival of "The Twilight Zone" (CBS, 1986) and did guest shots for the likes of "Cagney & Lacey," "Moonlighting" and "Matlock." He gained a cult following with his engaging portrayal, under heavy makeup, of Garak, a garrulous Cardassian tailor with a mysterious past on the sci-fi sequel "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" (syndicated, 1993-99). Robinson was awarded Best Actor by the L.A. Drama Critics for his performance in "In the Belly of the Beast," a play by convicted killer cum writer Jack Henry Abbott.