John Henson
Smiling, impish-looking host of "Talk Soup" on the E! Entertainment Channel, whose physical presence is distinguished by a natural white patch of hair on the side of his head, John Henson replaced Greg Kinnear on the popular cable show in early 1995 and quickly made it his own. "Talk Soup" was designed to recap the more outrageous moments from daytime tableau of bare-all, tell-all chat programs. While Kinnear had oft been cynical and sneering in his approach, Henson lampooned the shows, but with a boyish exuberance. Henson often pulled stunts and visual gags to drive his humor home, and gained his own claque of fans, with no loss in the ratings. He had won the "Talk Soup" host chair through the regular audition process after several years of performing in Los Angeles comedy clubs without particular attention from casting directors.