Vyto Ruginis
Though he has appeared in nearly 100 movies and television series between 1985 and 2010, Vyto Ruginis has never managed to nail down a leading role and truly break out. Movie parts were easier to come by early in his career. In back-to-back years he landed roles in two comedies starring Whoopi Goldberg, 1986's "Jumpin' Jack Flash," where Whoopi plays a harmless bank employee who finds herself solving a crime and saving someone else's life, and 1987's "Burglar," which has her playing a thief looking to solve yet another crime, but this time to save herself. The latter co-starred Bobcat Goldthwait, whom Ruginis worked with the following year in the universally panned "Hot to Trot," a comedy about a man and his stock market-savvy, English-speaking horse. He has also appeared in two films with John Travolta, "Broken Arrow," a thriller revolving around stolen nuclear warheads, and "Phenomenon," a romance-driven fantasy picture about a man who becomes imbued with supernatural powers. Since the mid 1990s he has mostly been cast in guest roles on a wide variety of network television series.