In the hands of a brash young pilot (Mike Vogel) and a rebellious head stewardess (Christina Ricci), Pan Am’s state of the art Majestic Clipper jetliner makes its maiden voyage from New York to London, transporting its passengers and crew into a rapidly changing world of romance and international intrigue.
As Dean (Mike Vogel) hopes a flight to Paris will help him find Bridget, Kate (Kelli Garner) and Laura (Margot Robbie) are stunned to learn their mother is on the plane with them. Meanwhile, Maggie (Christina Ricci) takes aggressive measures to fend off a passenger’s unwanted sexual advances.
A flight ferrying journalists to Berlin to cover a important speech by John F. Kennedy provides Maggie (Christina Ricci) a chance to meet the U.S. President. But as Kate (Kelli Garner) tries to help her courier contact escape East Germany, memories of World War II force Colette to confront a childhood trauma.
A last-minute flight to Burma and Indonesia lands Kate (Kelli Garner) in the middle of a frustrating courier mission for the CIA that’s further complicated by Laura’s (Margot Elise Robbie) naïveté. And as the Clipper’s Majestic crew explores Southeast Asia, news of an American space mission leads Ted (Michael Mosley) to recall an ill-fated test pilot mission that upended his career plans.
Laura (Margot Robbie) goes to great lengths to return her engagement ring to her ex-fiancé, while Kate’s (Kelli Garner) latest spy mission requires her to score a date with a Yugoslavian racecar enthusiast. Meanwhile, Dean (Mike Vogel) begins a risky affair with the mistress of a Pan Am executive.
As Maggie (Christina Ricci) tries to save her job by adding to the long list of lies she’s already told to get hired by Pan Am, Dean’s (Mike Vogel) affair with the mistress of the airline’s vice president gets serious. Meanwhile, Kate’s growing affection for a Yugoslavian diplomat draws her deeper into the world of international espionage.
Christina Ricci
Margot Robbie
Michael Mosley
Goran Visnjic
Niko Lonza
Mike Vogel