Lisa Mishima is having problems at school and at home when two mysterious boys transfer to her school, and she is caught up in a terrorist attack.
While the police work hard to analyze Sphinx's first attack, Sphinx uploads a new video. Will they solve the new riddle in time?
Shibazaki joins the team working on the Sphinx Case while Sphinx tries to confirm suspicions of their own with their next riddle.
The investigation into the serial bombings continues, and Shibazaki goes to Aomori in search of clues about who the culprits are.
As Lisa recuperates at Nine and Twelve's place, Sphinx sets another bomb and posts another riddle, but things don't go as planned this time.
Five takes over the battle of wits against Nine and Twelve as Lisa tries to find her place in their group, but Shibazaki isn't happy sitting by idly.
Kaito Ishikawa
Nain / Arata Kokonoe
Atsumi Tanezaki
Lisa Mishima
Megumi Han
Shunsuke Sakuya