When Pat hears about a magic rope in Lamar's lair, he runs to get it. However, Plume catches him and they wind up tied up together.
Duncan forbids the Pfffirates to go near an eerie abandoned ghost ship named the Pale Sperm Whale, but the Korsairs pluck up their courage and explore it, only to discover it's actually Duncan's old boat.
Wanting to stop Scott from getting yelled at by Mila, Lily poisons relations between the two Krakens but gets stuck with Scott as a result. She tries to include him in her own crew, but makes matters worse in the process.
After being stung by a Stripy Skeeter, Pat floats like a helium balloon. He tries to save face but eventually has to tell the truth in order to avert disaster.
Lily takes a liking to a baby multicoloured skeeter she injured in the throes of a mission and decides to treat it, against Pat and Stede's will.
The Korsairs are nowhere near ready for the upcoming annual race. Lily comes across some special fruits capable of turbo-boosting their boat.
Arnaud Bouron
Guillaume Herent
Benjamin Busnel