Cindy puts a nuclear stomach in Yogi and he becomes an unstoppable eating machine. Grape Ape crashes in the middle of town, turning Jellystone into a disaster zone! The citizens must band together to move this mountain of a monkey.
Boo Boo feels underappreciated until he gets boots that make him taller. Doggie Daddy disguises Augie as a grown-up so he can bring her to bowling night.
When Magilla gets amnesia, Jabberjaw sees an opportunity to finally get her dream job. Augie embarks on a epic journey through the grocery store while Doggy Daddy frantically waits for her in line.
Cindy comes up with a novel way to get more time to get everything done. In order to save their alley, Top Cat and his gang are forced into a dance battle.
Shag Rugg makes a VIP section in his family's Café to live his baller life style. When El Kabong's guitar breaks, he must find a new instrument of justice.
The Jellystone kids disguise themselves as an adult to get into a movie, but soon have to live a life they didn't expect. Captain Caveman discovers he has a long-lost son and tries to make up for centuries of lost time.
C. H. Greenblatt
Boo-Boo Bear/Doggie Daddy/Peter Potamus/Benny the Ball
Jeff Bergman
Yogi Bear/Mr. Jinks/Wally Gator//Lippy the Lion
Jim Conroy
Huckleberry Hound/Captain Caveman/Paw Rugg
Georgie Kidder
Augie Doggie/Brain/Floral Rugg
Grace Helbig
Cindy Bear/Yappee/Taffy Dare/Granny Sweet