Miffed at having lost to the Korsairs, Mila convinces Lamar that Pat has stolen her legendary sword. If he doesn't bring it back by nightfall, he'll be expelled from Calypso Island.
Lily is so eager to have fun that she messes with Mila's boomerang and gets it confiscated by Duncan. Determined to get it back, she gets her friends and the old sea dog into a very sticky situation with the Sharkatak.
When Pat hears about a magic rope in Lamar's lair, he runs to get it. However, Plume catches him and they wind up tied up together.
The Korsairs accidentally make a hole in the island with a super powerful cannonballoon!
Pat's upset his whoosh is weak. After eating a fruit his whoosh gets incredibly strong!
There's a crumple-sagger on the island, puncturing up the place!
Arnaud Bouron
Guillaume Herent
Benjamin Busnel