Boys Giovanni and Owen share the rare condition Schwartz Jampel Syndrome, which permanently and painfully contracts their muscles; the two share hardships and triumphs, and strike up a friendship.
Tiffany and Yajaira have Jarcho Levin Syndrome, which malformed their ribs and spines during infancy.
Born with Goldenhar Syndrome, Austin and Elena have been bullied for looking different, and feel isolated from other kids.
Bobbi and Kenny have skin that painfully grows in thick scales due to the rare condition Lamellar Ichthyosis.
Getting too hot can be fatal for twins Andrew and Brandon, who meet Josh, a fellow sufferer of Ectodermal Dysplasia.
Tiffany and Destiny both live with the rare disease Osteogenesis Imperfecta, which causes brittle bones, and set out on a life changing journey to meet each other.
Sandra Shuttleworth