The everyday life of Raizel and his companions, who have been keeping their true identities secret, is interrupted when a violent gang attacks Ye Ran High School.
Two nobles, Regis and Seira, arrive at Ye Ran High School as part of their investigation into a series of incidents in Japan; Tashiro is caught up in another fight with street punks on his way home from school.
M-21 finds himself suddenly blending in easily with normal life; Tao tries to hack into the police department's security system, but Kase intercepts him, and an unexpected hacking war breaks out.
The DA-5 captures M-21; Shark begins to search for a new target; Tashiro and Seira encounter Takio on the street and notice he's in trouble; Kase is surprised to find himself hitting it off with Tao.
Seira realizes Regis is in danger and rushes to help him; Raizel and Frankenstein suspect that Tashiro and Kase might be in trouble as well, so they follow Seira.
Tao and Takio clash as Tao tries to keep Tashiro and Kase out of the conflict, but their leader, Crans, enacts an unbelievably brutal plan in order to win; Raizel reaches M-21 and uses his overwhelming power to take on Crans.
Tarusuke Shingaki
Cadis Etrama Di Raizel
Daisuke Hirakawa
Kousuke Oonishi
Akihisa Wakayama
Regis K. Landegre
Ai Kayano
Seira J. Loyard