Renowned performers hit the stage for mesmerising performances at the eagerly awaited NUMA Awards, the greatest music event in the nation.
SHE is still unhappy about losing at the NUMAs and resorts to its many fake social media accounts to belittle Tito's win; Adaeze is struggling to survive, despite being the key to SHE's fame and fortune.
SHE's determination and methods become extreme when her reign is challenged. SHE asks for help but faces disappointing terms and financial pressure strains relations over non-payment of salaries.
Tito finds love, but the Kingdom of Trolls has something to say about it; SHE celebrates Tito's shame, but it costs him dearly when another of his secrets comes to light.
SHE is furious with her PR team because of the unfortunate videos that went viral; Adaeze escapes Livinus's control but is betrayed; SHE's world begins to crumble when she receives a series of revelations.
Nancy Isime
Adunni Ade
Shaffy Bello
Funke Akindele
Abdulrasheed Bello