Marina Quiroga, a girl from high society, leaves the party for her brother's appointment as police chief to fetch magazines from the black market in the port; when she arrives, she discovers something completely unexpected.
Following the threats that Marina receives from the killer, Arturo puts guards in charge of his mother's house to protect her but also to prevent her from investigating again; the case is brought forward by Pablo and Ramirez.
Arturo is forced to publicly admit the existence of a killer on the loose after that same killer escapes right under his nose; the police station is flooded with calls and false leads.
After the murderer's arrest, Asunción throws a big party to celebrate the awarding of a medal to Hector for his bravery. They all seem happy except Marina, who realises how hard it is to give up her dreams.
After being kidnapped by the killer, Marina wakes up to find that she has been taken to a remote forest to be killed; she doesn't make things easy for the killer and devises an escape route.
Now that they finally know where the last girl of the Blue House is hiding, the protagonists run to find her before the killer does; when they arrive at the cabin in the woods, Margó receives them with a clean shot.
Ángela Molina
Álex García
Gorka Otxoa
Aura Garrido
Jean Reno