Ten hopeful hosts begin their quest by testing two tall tales: the fast & Furious sideways ejector seat and the most infamous football fable of all-time, Deflategate.
Nine hopeful hosts compete to become the next generation of MythBusters testing if you can paint with explosives, and if alcohol makes you more creative?
The final eight contestants are tasked with building and racing two full-sized boats made completely from cardboard, and then test their gun skills in the movie myth of "shooting blind".
The Magnificent Seven remain in the hunt and the competition cranks up with an age-old adage, Needle in a Haystack, and a classic Hollywood Handcuff cliche.
The six survivors saddle up to test the myth of the bike with reverse steering and the 80's TV tall tale that the A-Team can make a working weapon out of anything, including cabbages!
Six hopefuls compete to become the next generation of MythBusters, testing if you can scale seven storeys with cordless vacuum cleaners, and if a civilian could land a light aircraft with only guidance from ground control.