With different couples and different stories that do not evolve in the same way, there are many different relationship models. Through their life experiences, we find five couples with different paths who are at the end of their tether and who must redouble their efforts to maintain their love and continue their quest for happiness.
When someone is at the end of their rope, they inevitably ask themselves questions. Through major life decisions to find happiness, what is the solution for couples? A breakup? Or was it just a bad patch? For some, starting over turns out to be the best option.
Is the best partner someone who resembles us or not? Like attracts like, but opposites also attract. How does one build a daily life with someone completely different from them? Living with someone who does not act and think like we do can bring its share of conflicts and misunderstandings
When our lives are turned upside down by trials, the couple must unite to get through them, but we must go through the stages at the same pace and join forces in these difficult times. The couple can sometimes get lost through the trials of life. When my partner has mental health issues, how do I support them?
The mental burden and the pressure that some people put on themselves to make everything perfect often affect the daily life of families. Doesn't putting so much pressure on oneself just lead to a multitude of disappointments? Does our desire to perform come from social networks and the perfect little life that some people project?
Do we always reproduce what we have experienced, what we know? And when we have had role models that we do not want to resemble, when we want to offer something else to our partner, to our family, how does our baggage shape the person we are?