After their home planet is invaded, a young soldier, a Princess, and a robot crash land on Earth and attempt to blend into our society by attending high school. However, their troubles soon follow.[Teletoon+]
Ilana tries to make their new world into their home, but Lance's overprotective nature puts it all in jeopardy when he unwittingly alerts a Mutraddi Monster to their presence.[Teletoon+]
Octus is stuck in the middle when Lance and Ilana's conflicts cause problems at home and inside the Titan Robot. When a creature is unleashed by General Steel, the trio must put their differences aside to save the world.[Teletoon+]
Lance's mundane school life on Earth is a far cry from his daily adventures on Galaluna. But his newfound enthusiasm as a vigilante crime fighter puts his mission on Earth in jeopardy.[Teletoon+]
Lance's competitive nature and passion for car racing clashes with following Earthly rules... like getting a driver's licence.[Teletoon+]
When a mysterious Shaman invades their dreams, Lance and Ilana are forced to confront their greatest fears.[Teletoon+]