Before dying, Mr. Joaquin signs the documents in which he recognizes Manuel as his legitimate son and only heir. Matilde and Adolfo keep their love a secret. Manuel is dazzled by Matilde's beauty.
Humberto exchanges the deeds of the hacienda for money to pay a debt. Matilde receives a letter from Adolfo announcing his return. Manuel meets Matilde in person and is stunned. Manuel assures Humberto that he is interested in Matilde.
Humberto tells Augusta that Manuel will return the deeds and pay the mortgage in exchange for marrying Matilde. Augusta tells Matilde that they are about to lose their house and orders her to marry someone who will bail them out.
Augusta assures Hilario that Manuel showed a lot of interest in Matilde. Adolfo goes to Matilde's house to talk to Hilario, but Augusta warns him that she will not let her daughter marry him. Humberto makes Matilde believe that Adolfo is a married man.
Matilde feels very ashamed because she believes Manuel saw her almost naked. Adolfo is unjustly imprisoned in San Juan de Ulua. Augusta reveals to Matilde she must marry Manuel because he has already asked for her hand. Manuel makes a deal with Augusta.
Matilde reveals to Manuel that she is ashamed of what Humberto did. Manuel assures Matilde that, if she gives him the opportunity to get to know him better, maybe she can fall in love with him. Adolfo writes a letter to Matilde.
Mauricio Islas
Adela Noriega
Helena Rojo
Fernando Colunga
Arturo Lorca