Welcome to Season 1! Demystify the magic of Ashtanga with a series of accessible practices and informative tutorials with Dylan Bernstein. [1 minute]
Learn about the Ashtanga practice—it's lineage and how to engage in the practice— in this talk with Dylan Bernstein. [5 minutes]
Discover steadiness and strength through moving with the breath and establishing a stable and steady drishti in this tutorial with Dylan Bernstein. [15 minutes; Level 1]
Learn the essential Ashtanga yoga skill of your breath and Surya Namaskar A (Sun Salutation A) with Dylan Bernstein. [10 minutes; Level 1/2]
Dylan Bernstein demystifies the bandhas, internal energetic locks, sharing the fundamental techniques and subtleties of Uddiyana Kriya in this tutorial. [20 minutes; Level 1/2]
Find an intelligent and more sustainable chaturanga through accessing the smaller muscles in the shoulders and upper back with Dylan Bernstein. [10 minutes; Level 2]